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Senin, 17 April 2017


Overseas Business Consulting Program

Worked with the expat is something common for us. Not less than 9 years of us with him, creating business plan, executing targets, systems, and operating within a narrow and limited resources. We just really enjoy the way they work and systematic feedback always come back no more than 1 x 24 hours. It is very beneficial for us because the consultation process is straightforward and easy enough to follow up the results of the execution.

For those of you who live abroad, can speak english (passive and active), and You want us to help you in assisting your business effort or your company, through emails, video call, chat, please contact us. a:) As long as it is still in the field we control, namely :
1. Medium class manufacture: food and beverage plants, paper mills, etc.
2. The retail industry: restaurant, cafe, pharmacy, doctor's clinic, pet shop, vet, supermarket, minimarket, hyper market, fresh market, fashion store, etc.
3. Service: Hotel, spa, tutoring agencies, printing, etc,

4.  Start Up Company.

Anyway, if you are patient enough to wait, we will make the business flyer in the near time. Getting high and significant impact to your business, with minimum budget. How come? We cut down the meeting costs, airplanes, hotels, etc. So, its very possible to do. Even its in a long term. Its fair enough for you?

#Instagram Post #Expat #Overseas business consulting #Company Growth

See our Company profile Here : Company profile In Bahasa
About Us : About
See the pictures of your future company here : CEO Message

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