Perusahaan Konsultan Manufaktur | Continuous Improvement Program
- Dalam proses manufacturing pasti akan terjadi variasi dalam processnya baik dari sisi Personel ( Men ), Mesin ( Machine ) ataupun Material.
- Variasi dalam input process ( Men, Machine, dan Material ) akan mempengaruhi Produk yang akan berdampak adanya variasi juga pada Quality, Cost, dan juga Delivery ( Q C D Aspect )
- Memperbaiki dan minimize variasi yang terjadi dalam setiap proses manufacturing dengan metode Continuous Improvement ( Six Sigma, Kaizen, Lean, TOC ).
- Get the “Voice of Customer”.
- Conduct Observation.
- Collect, Analyze and Present the data.
- Conduct some Audits to get more Insight.
- Create proposal for Improvements and get Management Commitment.
- Revise the Planning as Check Phase’ Result
- Create new contingency and corrective action to achieve the goal.
- Conduct Improvements as Proposal with continuous improvements method (Six Sigma, Lean or TOC).
- Conduct people development via Training Activity.
- Check whether the Result already satisfy and fulfill the KPI as “Voice of Customer”.
- Check phase conduct through the regular review event as agreed by management.